
Divisi 13 Sutra Akhir [ D 31 - D 43 ]


[gsar 'gyur]
.Kumpulan sūtra yang diterjemahkan ke dalam Tibetan pada abad ke 14, Derge No [D0031 - D0043]
Mengetahui Lebih Lanjut 13 sūtra akhir

catatan : yang berwarna hijau untuk bahasa indonesia : sudah diterjemahkan atau tekan tombol semua terjemahan diatas untuk menyortir

D 31


[chos 'khor rab tu bskor ba'i mdo]
[zhuǎn fǎ lún jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya
(D 31) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 180a1-183a7 (vol. 34)
(Q 747) sher phyin, tsi 183b4-187a2 (vol. 21, p.259)
(N 347) mdo sde, a 427a5-432a3 (vol. 76)
(C 1014) sna tshogs, ka 194b3-197b7 (vol. 78)
(H 32)sna tshogs, ka 268a1-273b1 (vol. 34)
(J 26) sna tshogs, ka 172a1-174b8 (vol. 39)
(U 31) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 180b1-183a7 (vol. 34)

Sūtra Pemutaran Roda Dharma
Demikianlah Yang Kudengar, pada saat Bhagavan berdiam di Vārānasī , Mrigadava, Bhagavan berbicara kepada kelima murid utamanya: ″Bhiksu, ada dua hal ekstrim yang seharusnya tidak dilekati oleh seorang bhikṣu. Seorang bhikṣu seharusnya menghindari kemelekatan terhadap keinginan dan suka cita, yang akan membawanya ke tindakan yang tidak bermakna – terjebak dalam dua ekstrim, tidak akan ada seseorangpun dapat lepas dari ikatan samsara. Untuk mencapai penggugahan , pilihlah jalan tengah.″
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : [T 99 (379), Nj 544, K 650 (15.17)] ; [T 109, Nj 657, K 741]
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali :Tathāgatena vutta Sutta , Samyuttanikāya 56 (Saccasamyutta I: 11-12)

D 32


[skyes pa rabs kyi gleng gzhi ]
[běn shēng yuán jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya
(D 32) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 183a7-250a5 (vol. 34)
(Q 748) sher phyin, tsi 187a2-264b4 (vol. 21, p.261)
(N 348) mdo sde, a 432a3-543a5 (vol. 76)
(C 1015) sna tshogs, ka 197b7-278b4 (vol. 78)
(H 33) sna tshogs, ka 273b1-388a5 (vol. 34)
(J 27) sna tshogs, ka 175a1-248b7 (vol. 39)
(U 32) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 183a7-250a5 (vol. 34)

Kumpulan Cerita Kehidupan Masa Lalu Buddha
Demikianlah Yang Kudengar, pada saat Bhagavan berdiam di Śrāvasti di Jetavana , Mahāsthavira Arthadṛsṭi mengunjungi Buddha, dan, bersujud kemudian berkata : ″O Bhagavan, Saya ingin mendengarkan sejarah dari seorang Buddha.″ Bhagavan menjawab: ″ Ingatlah dengan baik apa yang akan saya uraikan kepadamu sekarang. Ini adalah jalan yang mempresentasikan kelahiran dari yang telah memperoleh kemenangan terhadap semua musuh dari kedamaian dan yang telah mencapai kesadaran dan pemahaman agung.″ Buddha kemudian menjelaskan tiga jalan dalam kehidupan Buddha's, dan menceritakan berbagai kehidupan masa lalu
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : tidak ada
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali : tidak ada

D 33


[lcang lo can gyi pho brang gi mdo]
[liǔ yè gōng diàn jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya
(D 33) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 250a5-259b4 (vol. 34)
(Q 749) sher phyin, tsi 264b4-274b8 (vol. 21, p.292)
(N 349) mdo sde, a 543a5-558b6 (vol. 76)
(C 1016) sna tshogs, ka 278b4-289b5 (vol. 78)
(H 34) sna tshogs, ka 388a5-403b5 (vol. 34)
(J 28) sna tshogs, ka 248b7-258b7 (vol. 39)
(U 33) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 250a5-259b4 (vol. 34)

Sūtra Istana Aṭakāvatī
Thus have I heard, at one time when the Buddha was residing in Rājagṛha on Vulture Peak, the four great kings and many clans of yakṣas, gandharvas, kumbhāndas, nāgas, and other beings who guard the four directions also abided there. As these beings came and paid homage to the Bhagavan in the moonlight, a stream of colors appeared above Vulture Peak. Even the yakṣas paid homage, asked after the health of the Buddha, and questioned why some beings have a heart, and some not. Then Vaiśravana asked: ″How is it that some of the yakṣas have an understanding of devotion, and some not?″ In reply, the Buddha taught the assembly about moral conduct and the consequences of one's actions.
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : [T 1244, Nj 974, K 1307] ;[T 1245, Nj 849, K 1185]
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali : Āṭānāṭīyasutta , Dīghanikāya 32

D 34


[ 'dus pa chen po'i mdo]
[dà huì jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya (D 34) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 259b4-263a4 (vol. 34)
(Q 750) sher phyin, tsi 275a1-278b5 (vol. 21, p.296)
(N 350) mdo sde, a 558b6-564b2 (vol. 76)
(C 1017) sna tshogs, ka 289b5-293b4 (vol. 78)
(H 35) sna tshogs, ka 403b5-409a6 (vol. 34)
(J 29) sna tshogs, ka 258b7-262b4 (vol. 39)
(U 34) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 259b4-263a4 (vol. 34)

Persamuan Agung
Thus have I heard, at one time when the Buddha was residing in Kapilavastu together with five hundred bhikṣus, all of whom were Arhats, the gods of the ten realms gathered in the heavens to behold the Bhagavan and the bhikṣus. Told that the Buddha and five hundred bhikṣus were abiding in the grove of Kapilavastu, the gods appeared together before the Bhagavan and sang many verses of praise. The Buddha then instructed the bhikṣus on the nature of the gods and yakṣas, and gave many other teachings. Amazed at the effectiveness of these teachings, the gods gave praise once again, circumambulated the Buddha, and disappeared.
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : [T 1 (19), Nj 545 (19), K 647(19)] ; [T 19, Nj 851, K 1179];[ T 99(1192), Nj 544, K 650(44.15)];[T 100 (105), Nj 546, K 651 (5.22)]
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali : Maha-samaya Sutta , Digha Nikaya 20



[byams pa'i mdo]
[cí jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya
(D 35) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 263a4-270a1 (vol. 34)
(Q 751) sher phyin, tsi 278b6-286a4 (vol. 21, p.297)
(N 351) mdo sde, a 564b2-574b6 (vol. 76)
(C 1018) sna tshogs, ka 293b4-301a3 (vol. 78)
(H 36) sna tshogs, ka 409a6-420a2 (vol. 34)
(J 30) sna tshogs, ka 262b4-269b6 (vol. 39)
(U 35) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 263a4-270a1 (vol. 34)

Thus have I heard, at one time when the Buddha was residing in Kapilavastu, at the grove of Nyagrodha, on the banks of the Rohinī River, the Venerable Śāriputra requested the Bhagavan to describe the teacher who would follow the Buddha. The Buddha spoke of Maitreya, of his qualities, and of the time when he would come into the world. The Buddha then foretold the coming of the Kāliyuga, and the conditions which would prevail in the world in future times.
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : tidak ada
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali : tidak ada

D 36


[byams pa bsgom pa'i mdo]
[cí guàn jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya
(D 36) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 270a1-270b7 (vol. 34)
(Q 752)sher phyin, tsi 286a4-287a3 (vol. 21, p.300)
(N 352) mdo sde, a 574b7-576a6 (vol. 76)
(C 1019) sna tshogs, ka 301a3-302a2 (vol. 78)
(H 37)sna tshogs, ka 420a2-421b2 (vol. 34)
(J 31)sna tshogs, ka 269b6-270b5 (vol. 39)
(U 36)shes rab sna tshogs, ka 270a1-271a1 (vol. 34)

komtemplasi cinta kasih
Thus have I heard, at one time when the Buddha was residing at Śrāvastī in Jeta's Grove, the Bhagavan taught the assembly of bhikṣus the importance of meditating on love in order to liberate the mind. The Buddha explained the eleven benefits of love, and the importance of never losing touch with the loving mind.
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : [T 125 (49.10), Nj 543, K 649 (49.10)];[T 138, Nj 629, K 756]
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali : Mettāsuttam . Anguttaranikaya XI.16



[bslab pa lnga'i phan yon gyi mdo]
[wǔ xué lì yì jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya
(D 37) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 271a1-276a5 (vol. 34)
(Q 753) sher phyin, tsi 287a3-292b8 (vol. 21, p.301)
(N 353) mdo sde, a 576a6-584b5 (vol. 76)
(C 1020)sna tshogs, ka 302a3-308b2 (vol. 78)
(H 38)sna tshogs, ka 421b2-430a5 (vol. 34)
(J 32)sna tshogs, ka 270b5-276b2 (vol. 39)
(U 37) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 271a1-276a5 (vol. 34)

Kualitas yang bermanfaat dalam lima pelatihan diri
Thus have I heard, at one time the Buddha was residing in Gargara, at the mountain of the crocodiles in the Medicine Forest. At that time, the Bhagavan arose early in the-morning, and, adjusting his Dharma robes, took his almsbowl and went to the residence of the householder Phanakula. Phanakula and his wife Manakulā came to where the Bhagavan was abiding, paid homage, and took a seat to the side, having requested teachings on the nature of their next birth. The Buddha then taught the five precepts appropriate to householders, and the consequences which flow from the observance of the precepts and from their breach.
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : tidak ada
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali : tidak ada

D 38


[ri'i kun dga' bo'i mdo]
[shān ē nán tuó jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya
(D 38) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 276a5-279a2 (vol. 34)
(Q 754) sher phyin, tsi 293a1-295b7 (vol. 21, p.303)
(N 354) mdo sde, a 584b5-589a1 (vol. 76)
(C 1021) sna tshogs, ka 308b2-311b4 (vol. 78)
(H 39) sna tshogs, ka 430a5-434b7 (vol. 34)
(J 33) sna tshogs, ka 276b2-279b2 (vol. 39)
(U 38)= shes rab sna tshogs, ka 276a5-279a2 (vol. 34)

Thus have I heard, at one time when the Buddha was abiding at Śrāvastī in Jeta's Grove, Giri Ananda was in great sickness and pain. Ananda went to where the Buddha was residing, paid homage to him, and described Giri Ananda's affliction. The Bhagavan told Ananda to go to Giri Ananda and instruct him in the meaning and nature of the ten perceptions. When Ananda had done this, Giri Ananda's illness was relieved.
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : tidak ada
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali : Girimānandasutta , Anguttaranikāya, Dasakanipāta 60

D 39


[ klu'i rgyal po dga' bo nyer dga' 'dul ba'i mdo]
[nandopananda-nāgarāja-damana-sūtra] [lóng wáng nán tuó yōu bō nán tuó diào fú jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya
(D 39) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 279a2-281b1 (vol. 34)
(Q 755) sher phyin, tsi 295b7-298a7 (vol. 21, p.304)
(N 355) mdo sde, a 589a1-592b3 (vol. 76)
(C 1022) sna tshogs, ka 311b4-314a4 (vol. 78)
(H 40) sna tshogs, ka 434b7-438b3 (vol. 34)
(J 34) sna tshogs, ka 279b2-282a2 (vol. 39)
(U 39) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 279a2-281b1 (vol. 34)

Sūtra Pendisiplinan` Raja Nāgā Nanda
Thus have I heard, at one time when the Buddha was residing in Śrāvastī in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapindata, having heard the Dharma, invited the Bhagavan and five hundred bhikṣus to his household, where the assembly spent the night. In the early dawn, the Buddha inspected the ten thousand world systems and observed the nāga king Nanda who, although immersed in erroneous views and without faith in the Three Jewels, yet possessed the seeds of goodness. The Bhagavan saw that Maudgalyāyana would subdue the nāga king, and free him from his harmful views. To subdue Nanda, Maudgalyāyana manifested as a nāga much larger than the nāga king and coiled around Nanda ten times, overshadowing the king's hooded, cobralike head with his own. Although Nanda sent forth poison breath, Maudgalyāyana was unharmed, and sent forth poison breath from his own nāga form, greatly frightening the nāga king. ″Who are you?″ cried Nanda. ″Maudgalyāyana,″ was the reply. ″Stay in your own form!″ the nāga king cried. Unwinding from the nāga's body, Maudgalyāyana entered Nanda's right ear, corning out through his left. Then he entered the left ear and came out thte right. Finally, he entered the nāga king's mouth. Unharmed because of the magical powers he had learned from the Buddha, Maudgalyāyana came forth from Nanda's stomach, appearing as a great garuda. The nāga king, subdued, then took refuge in the Buddha.
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : [T 597, Nj 707, K 780]
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali : Nandopananandanāgarājadamanasūtra , Viśuddhimagga XII



['od srung chen po'i mdo]
[ mahākāśyapa-sūtra]
[dà jiā yè jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya
(D 40) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 281b1-282a6 (vol. 34)
(Q 756) sher phyin, tsi 298a8-299a8 (vol. 21, p.305)
(N 356) mdo sde, a 592b3-594a4 (vol. 76)
(C 1023) sna tshogs, ka 314a4-315a3 (vol. 78)
(H 41)sna tshogs, ka 438b3-440a3 (vol. 34)
(J 35) sna tshogs, ka 282a2-283a1 (vol. 39)
(U 40) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 281b1-282a6 (vol. 34)

Thus have I heard, at one time the Buddha was residing in Rājagṛha in the Veṇuvana Grove when Kāśyapa became very sick. At dusk, the Bhagavan visited him, sat down close by, and asked: ″How is your desire to eat? How much suffering do you feel? How will you find ease? With tranquillity one is freed from illness.″ Kāśyapa replied: ″I can eat nothing. I am miserable, and my sickness will not be assuaged. Pray give me the means to tranquillity.″ The Buddha then explained the seven limbs of enlightenment; upon hearing these teachings, Kāśyapa was amazed, and his suffering was relieved.
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : tidak ada
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali : Mahākassapa-thera-bojjhaṅgam , , Samyuttanikāya, Mahavaggo 2.2.3,

D 41


[nyi ma'i mdo ]
[ sūrya-sūtra]
[rì jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya
(D 41) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 282a6-282b6 (vol. 34)
(Q 757) sher phyin, tsi 299b1-300a2 (vol. 21, p.306)
(N 357) mdo sde, a 594a4-595a3 (vol. 76)
(C 1024) sna tshogs, ka 315a4-315b4 (vol. 78)
(H 42) sna tshogs, ka 440a3-441a2 (vol. 34)
(J 36) sna tshogs, ka 283a2-283b2 (vol. 39)
(U 41) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 282a6-282b6 (vol. 34)

Thus have I heard, at one time when the Buddha was residing in Śrāvastī in Jeta's Grove, the devaputra Sūrya, the sun, was eclipsed by the asura Rāhula. Sūrya then took refuge in the Bhagavan, praising him in verse as the Great Liberator.
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : [T 99 (583), Nj 544, K 650 (22.8)]
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali :Suriyasutta, Samyuttanikāya 2.1.10

D 42


[ zla ba'i mdo ]
[candra-sūtra] 月經 [yuè jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya
(D 42) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 282b6-283a5 (vol. 34)
(Q 758)sher phyin, tsi 300a2-300b3 (vol. 21, p.306)
(N 358) mdo sde, a 595a3-595b7 (vol. 76)
(C 1025)sna tshogs, ka 315b4-316a4 (vol. 78)
(H 43) sna tshogs, ka 441a2-441b6 (vol. 34)
(J 37) sna tshogs, ka 283b2-284a2 (vol. 39)
(U 42) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 282b6-283a5 (vol. 34)

Thus have I heard, at one time, while the Buddha was residing on the banks of a pond in the land of Campā, the powerful devaputra Rahu eclipsed the sphere of the moon. Candra, the god who lived in the moon's disk, was very much frightened. Going to the Bhagavan, Candra paid homage, and said: ″Buddha, you have achieved the great liberation from all karma; therefore, I honor you. O Refuge, I ask for your help. World Conqueror, Tathāgata, I Candra, the moon, go to you for refuge.″
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : [T 99 (583), Nj 544, K 650 (22.8)]
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali :Candimasutta , Samyuttanikāya 2.1.9

D 43


[ bkra shis chen po'i mdo ]
[dà jí xiáng jīng]

Nara Sumber Kangyur Lainnya
(D 43) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 283a5-284a7 (vol. 34)
(Q 759) sher phyin, tsi 300b3-302a3 (vol. 21, p.306)
(N 359) mdo sde, a 596a1-597a5 (vol. 76)
(C 1026) sna tshogs, ka 316a4-317a8 (vol. 78)
(H 44) sna tshogs, ka 441b6-443a3 (vol. 34)
(J 38) sna tshogs, ka 284a3-285a6 (vol. 39)
(U 43) shes rab sna tshogs, ka 283a5-284a7 (vol. 34)
(U 360) mdo sde, aḥ 281b5-282a7 (vol. 76)

Yang Paling Menguntungkan
Thus have I heard, at one time when the Buddha was residing in Śrāvastī in Jeta's Grove, many different gods appeared, lighting up the grove with their radiance. The gods paid homage to the Bhagavan and requested verses for prosperity.
Koresponden Nara Sumber Chinese : tidak ada
Koresponden Nara Sumber Pali :Maṅgalasuttam Khuddakapātha 5

untuk tibetan kangyur : D= Derge , Q = Peking N = Narthang , C = Cone H = Lhasa , J = Li Tang dan U = Urga
untuk koresponden chinese :K : Taejang mongnok (大藏目録), T : Taishō shinshū daizōkyō (大正新脩大藏經) dan N : Nanjio Bunyiu (南条文雄)
untuk koresponden Pāli : DN :Dīgha Nikāya , MN : Majjhima Nikāya. SN :Saṃyutta Nikāya, AN :Aṅguttara Nikāya
